Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The horror of Coding

Recently I have had to start doing some programming work in the line of duty. Before this I had prepared myself by watching a set of Youtube videos and doing a few exercises. It is my firm belief that everything in the world can be learned from Youtube, as I know someone who has learned swimming from it. However that is a story for another day.

After waltzing through my Youtube lessons and exercises with decent ease, my project began and I had to do programming work for real.

While I was doing the exercises, programming felt to me like talking to a slave and getting him to do work step by step. However once the real thing started, it seemed like getting a highly stubborn donkey to tap dance. Things which the guide says can be done sometimes cannot be done, and the wretched computer finds every possible loophole in my code, and stuffs errors in it. Truly an ordeal indeed.

I wish people working on Artificial Intelligence could hurry up and progress more. Then if my program doesn't work I can threaten the computer with destruction.

1 comment:

  1. well, soon i gonna start learning the programming code from youtube too, hope it will not be hard..
