A few months ago on another project, after my team leader had gave us a long explanation, my colleague turned to me and quietly asked me a question.
"What's debit and credit?"
On my current project, another colleague asked me again:
"What's debit and credit?"
I must admit I was slightly shocked. How can anyone get through high school and college without knowing what is debit and credit? Granted, one of them was a computer science graduate and the other was a statistics graduate, so it's normal that they don't know it, but I think knowing it would help them a huge amount. Basically if you are doing a business-related job and you don't know what is debit and credit it's similar to driving a car without knowing where the clutch is. Of course, I am not blaming them, they are smart girls. I'm blaming the education system.
Now you are going to shout at me "Neither do you know what are Fourier series/endocrine glands/quadrotrionic transformations," but let me remind you, there are tons of science students going for business jobs and hardly any business students going for science jobs.
So, I think that people in university taking a science major should take an accounting class too. Maybe another business class at that. I think the time spent would be very worth it. To think of it, business students should take a couple of useful science classes as well. Some basic computer skills like HTML or networks would be very useful for a lot of jobs, or even for starting your own business. It certainly would be better than a ton of management or marketing classes which we now have to sit through. Tell me, who manages people right after graduating? You get to manage people quite a while later, and by that time it's from experience, not the fat textbook. Marketing classes are even worse in my opinion. Who cares about why Starbucks opens one store on each side of the street in America, they don't do that here. Maybe if there was a marketing class that actually taught things like how to get people to come eat at your mamak store which is located in a dark corner or how to promote your blog which sells cheap ornaments then I would actually not sleep in class. But I digress.
So what I want to say is, university studies should diversify a little because according to my observation, the majority of people don't do what they originally studied to do anyway. In fact if you ask me, dividing students into Arts and Science doesn't make sense as well because who the hell knows what they want to do at the age of fifteen? Even Taylor Swift can see that logic.
Note: Debit/Credit explanation
My dear girl, if you forget what is it you can just open my blog anytime. You know who you are.

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