Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kids nowadays

People always say "this generation is useless". This statement has been repeated throughout history. I have read that they found an ancient Roman stone carving with the words "The next generation is lazy and dissolute and will surely cause the downfall of the world as we know it".

We always hear older people say "kids nowadays don't know how it's like to have a tough life", which, in my opinion, is a very good thing. It's precisely because our economy and society is advancing that kids get softer. I'm sure this phrase was repeated through history.

Parents today: "You kids have aircon and Internet, you don't know how lucky you are!"

One generation back: "You kids get to eat and go to school, we were chased by Japanese soldiers!"

Three generations back "You get to travel on a car, we had to ride horses!"

Ten generations back: "We had to hold a sword, you get guns!"

One hundred generations back: "Kids nowadays are so lazy, they have to make shapes on paper to remember things, we had to carve on stone!"

Five hundred generations back: "Kids nowadays use this round thing to roll stuff around, we had to carry stuff!"

One thousand generations back: "You kids think you had it tough with that fire of yours? We had to eat raw meat!"

So yes, I hope my kids are softer than I am.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahaha

    Kids nowadays staying up late until 2:33AM blogging about kids nowadays.......

    Last time we had to WAKE UP at 2:33 AM to tap rubber!
