Sunday, December 4, 2011

What's the best degree?

The best degree is in something that you love to do, be it quantum physics or Middle Eastern dance or plain old business administration. Having said that, if you like a few things but can't decide what to do, or you don't really feel strongly towards anything, then we need to objectively study which degree is "the best".

When I chose my degree, I chose Finance. This was because I was not sure what I wanted to do. I felt a Finance degree could help me get my foot in the door for a decently wide variety of jobs, or serve me if I were to set up business on my own or invest. Also because I was lazy and a science degree seemed like a ton of work.

Among the business degrees, I actually think an Accounting degree is best. This is based on what I call the "Theory of replaceability". That is, an Accounting grad can get any other business-type job, but Marketing/Management etc cannot get Accounting jobs. Finance is somewhat weaker than Accounting in this respect, however it somewhat makes up for it by sounding cool in an investment-bankish way.

Based on this theory, an Engineering/Computer Science degree would be even better, as they can do science jobs and most business jobs too, except hard-core accounting.

The trouble with those degrees is a ton of people get pushed towards them for prestige and career reasons, even people who are really not interested or not cut out for them. These people then end up having low CGPA's and find it hard to get a good job. The thing is, although I do feel a 2.5 in engineering is equal to a 3 or more in business in terms of equivalent difficulty, HR people do not see it that way (probably because very few of them have science degrees).

In short, my feeling towards each degree is like this:

Pure Sciences (Chem/Physics/Bio/Math) - Don't expect to get a job in your field in Malaysia and you will be okay.
Engineering/Computer Science - Wonderful, but if you hate it don't force yourself.
Business - Okay, try to take something more quantitative such as Accounting/Finance/Economics.
Lawyer/Doctor - If you are willing to have not much life you will earn a ton.
Arts - If you do it do it because you love it not because you think it's an easy degree.

Anyway, we can't judge a person's future from what major they take. Remember, Kate Middleton took Art History, and look where she is now!

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