Friday, February 28, 2014

Cities I've been to - Adelaide

In the past when I talked to friends who had lived in Australia, an oft-heard comment was that "it's rather quiet at night".

When I went to Adelaide, this realization hit me very strongly. As I had arrived on their national day, everything was very very quiet. Not only were all stores closed, with doors shut resolutely, there was nobody on the streets at all, and very very few cars. It was rather eerie in fact, something like aliens had just sucked everybody away.

My family and I were staying at my dad's friend's house. When I walked out at dusk, the great beauty of the scenery hit me - rolling hills leading down to a deep blue sea, which spread out to eternity. At night all the stars came out, and you could count them. No pollution in the night sky.

My dad's friend had a nice house too. It was large, not opulent, but comfortable. A lovely garden surrounded it. He seemed to live a pretty relaxing life. Scale that house, garden and life up, and that's Adelaide.

Of course it is also really boring, which is why I will not live in a place like that till I retire and have nothing better to do than play Starcraft 5 all day or something like that.

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