Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't do something you love

I work long hours, yes. This weekend I was working. Fortunately, I get paid fairly well for my age. Of course, there are people who earn far more than me (yada yada insert humble statements), but compared to the average curve in Malaysia, I think I'm doing fine.

However there are people who work longer hours than me for far less. My sister used to intern in an advertising company, and she rarely came back before midnight. Sometimes she would come back at 3 or 4 am, and rush off to work at 8 in the morning the next day. Her colleagues did this too, and their pay was pretty low according to what she heard.

My friend does animation artwork in a studio, and she works just as much as me if not more. She says the pay is bad and the bosses are unreasonable.

Another of my friend is a radio DJ and has even appeared on TV programs and what not. She is paid less than RM 2K a month. And we thought people in the entertainment line made tons of money.

So, what do these things (advertising, art, entertainment) have in common?

People do them because they have a passion for the field. That's why bosses can pay them poorly and demand long hours, because if they leave, other applicants rush in despite the rather substandard treatment. A far cry from the typical money-minded investment bankers and consultants, who fly to wherever pays the best. Typical mercenary mindset, like me.


Which is why I don't do what I love.

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