Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My principles

For a long time I wanted to write a blog. Today I have finally overcome my laziness and put finger to keyboard, so let me start off by saying what I am not going to blog about (at least not 90 percent of the time).

1. Sexy photos.

Due to not being a pretty girl, or a girl at all, I cannot take webcam photos of myself in various alluring poses and post them here. I am also rather lazy to scour the Internet for photos of various celebrities or models. Sorry about that.

If I pose like this all of you will vomit immediately.

2. Food

I do like to talk about food, but due to the huge numbers of bloggers posting their breakfast, lunch and dinner on the Internet, I won't talk about it unless I have something out of the ordinary to say.

I won't post pictures like this. If there is a cockroach inside then I will post.

3. Song Lyrics

I never quite understood why people like to post song lyrics on their blog. If the song is not well known then I can understand, but why post a popular song? It's not like there is no Google.

This applies especially if the song posted is from Justine Bieber.

I promise to uphold conditions 1, 2 and 3 most of the time.

Thank you!