Sunday, October 30, 2011

The mechanics of sneezing

Last night as I was lying on my bed about to sleep, a violent urge to sneeze seized me, and I was forced to yield to it by letting loose an extremely powerful sneeze. The force of the sneeze threw me up into a sitting position.

This got me thinking: why do we throw our upper body forward when we sneeze? Obviously the sneeze is gas + liquid expelled forward, so by the laws of motion our body should be thrown backward by the reaction instead of forward. When a rocket expels hot gas in one way it flies the other, so our body should behave the same way as well.

Why is that not so?


  1. maybe because the hole (duno the proper name) located at different place... when u lie down..ur nose position is like facing forward...while rocket one is facing downward

  2. hmmmmm then my head should hit the wall right...

  3. haha y ? i think it works like inertia
